Thursday, January 21, 2010

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation?

I feel that through out this whole process I have used the technology available to me to the fullest. The technology I used includes Imovie, Photoshop, Internet, GarageBand and Paint.

I used GarageBand when creating the dialogue that will be used in the teaser. I placed the dialogue with the extreme close-up of one of the main led character, a combination of both was going to be the pirate message they send to their next victim. I change the of the recording because logically that is what the characters would do so that their voice would not be recognised, it gave the narrative some credibility.

My Flag

The original image of the eagle was taken from the Internet. I chose the eagle because it often represents protection, strength, courage and wisdom. A representation of the eagle is it is often used as a symbol or emblem for the military, which works well with my products. I made changes to it to suit the ideas of my movie. These changes were done through different programes.

I used Paint to make the initial changes e.g. getting rid of the gold canister its holding.

I used Photoshop to make the rest of the changes for example putting the Hellraisers title inside the eagle and adding colour.

The image below is shown on my magazine cover and at the end of my teaser. The use of red and black for my final pieces hints at the genre because these colours denotes horror, terror and blood which are conventions of the genre I am working with. In my original mock up I wanted the title of the movie to have a glow about it because I wanted them to have an almost angelic aura. Due to limitations on Photoshop I decided to have a plain white font. The colour white has pure and innocent connotation.

The Internet

I found the use and access to the Internet to be essential to my A2 media work. This is because I used it during my product research and the construction of my pieces, for example the creation of the background for my poster. Without the internet I would not have been able to transfer my ideas from paper to the computer. Over the last twenty years the use of the internet as grown and so has the data. Through the internet I was able learn tutorials and research for my different media texts.


The images I used for my magazine cover was taken from the internet, for example the international stars frame. The film projector and world globe were separate images but by changing the opacity of the globe and then shrinking it, I was able to make it look like the image of the world was being projected from the projector.


In the creation of my work, I spent a lot of time using Photoshop. I was able to utilise the abilities of Photoshop by using it in a three productions.

The images that were used in my poster and magazine were taken with a SLR camera. The backgrounds for the magazine and poster are actually the same image but because I wanted to create different moods I made changes using Photoshop. For my teaser I used a HDV camera for most of the filming and also used a Mini DV camera. With the aid of a tripod and tracks I was able to create scenes from my mock up.

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